Safi Ahmad

Name, major/year and where are you from?
Safi Ahmad, 5th year Industrial Engineering with a minor in Business & Entrepreneurship, born in Pakistan, raised in Dubai, now in Oregon.
Favorite thing about coming to Oregon State? Favorite experience while at OSU?
A beautiful campus matched with a great engineering program and friendly people seemed like the right fit. Favorite experience while at OSU definitely has to be planning and hosting the Ettihad Cultural Festival -- provided me an opportunity to connect with the community and represent the culture of the Ettihad region to OSU.
Advice for Beaver Nation during remote teaching?
Appreciate the little things, make connections with your fellow classmates (however weird that might be during this time), and have fun! Take care of yourselves, and use the resources that are available to you.
What is it like to be part of the OSU community?
Being so involved on campus made it feel like a second home, literally. I think I went home only to sleep, but the ability to connect with the people, and the surroundings really helped in feeling comfortable and welcomed into the OSU community.
One thing you’ll miss about your time at OSU?
The connections I’ve made, and being able to see them less frequently. It was always nice to run into people when going from place to place on campus, and do a quick check in! Lying around in the MU and Library Quad during a sunny day was a relaxing activity that I will definitely miss.